Bridgette believes the ‘Law of Attraction’ was the reason she was given the opportunity to study for a degree in Calligraphy with Design in 2011.
A lifelong fascination with calligraphy and an ever-increasing collection of books and equipment collected over many years were all indicators that it was meant to be. Finally, after being given the chance to take voluntary severance from her 20- year administrative role, and at the same time hearing about a Sunderland University degree supported by the Princes Trust, she went to London to study at Kensington Palace. Here she studied under the watchful eye of many of the UK’s renowned calligraphers such as Ewan Clayton, Manny Ling, Cheryl Avery, Sally Mae Joseph, Veiko Kespersaks and Sharon Shaw
The benefits of doing something creative are well documented and help reduce the levels of stress. Bridgette believes that in this digital world it is extremely important to retain these traditional skills and pass them down to generations to come and that is why Lettering by the Sea was founded.